Monday, August 23, 2010
I spoke too soon!
It's 7:13pm, and it's still 100 degrees. So, no walk for me! Me + walking in the heat = rheumatic flare. I'm considering a swim. If I can get myself out there. The heat makes me incredibly tired and I've wanted to sleep all damn day.
How are y'all handling the heat?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Solo Walking...
Today was a hot one, about 98 degrees. Despite the heat it cooled down nicely around 7pm, like it usually does here. We live just over the mountains from the Pacific Ocean, which is close enough to get the benefit of the evening sea breeze.
It's getting dark around 8:20 now, earlier and earlier each night. That means I'm going to have to get back to walking a little earlier in the day as the seasons change. I'm really looking forward to the Fall, and the coming rainy season here. This Summer has been a lot cooler than usual, but even with that, I'm ready for it to be over!
2 miles
Thursday, August 12, 2010
blister why!!! lol!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
2.5 miles
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Total weight loss is now about 40lbs, that's in the last about 15 months! Makes me very happy!!! I still have a long way to go! But am getting there. ;)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
ooo my toes!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Im Back!!!!
my feet are going numb now when i walk , hurts really bad.
Monday, August 2, 2010
How do you do it?
I've recently started "working" at a friend's shop three days a week, from 11am-8pm. This leaves me with no evening time to get my walk in. My only option is to do it in the morning before I leave.
Now, those of you who know me well, know that mornings and I do NOT get along. And seeing as I've quit coffee, well, it's even harder for me.
How do you guys do it? Work AND work out???
I feel all off kilter not getting my walk in every. single. day.
I tried a morning walk one day. It was nice. But it required me to be awake and functional and ready to walk by 9am. Ugh. Which means I need to be up around 8:30am to eat something and let my meds kick in so I'm not walking in pain.
So share your secrets, Ladies!! I need some help!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Back On Track
I did weigh myself, finally, a couple of days ago, and have lost two more pounds. I'm down to 238lbs now. With that, I realized I'm no longer considered "morbidly obese" but merely obese! Who knew I'd ever be so happy to be JUST obese!?
It's been awfully quiet here lately. I know you guys are all crazy busy with kids out of school, and toddlers, and moves! I hope everyone is doing ok!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I did manage to get some good workouts in the pool two days this week, while taking kiddo and his friend for a swim. And mom and I were able to walk 2.6 miles today, which felt nice. Hopefully things will settle down soon so I can get back to it!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Checking In!
Our lovely member, Lynn, is in the middle of a cross country move! She started out on the east coast, and is currently in Texas, on her way to San Diego! Good luck, Lynn! Once you get to Cali, the summer weather is MUCH better for outside exercise, no humidity!
How is everyone else doing??
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monthly Total
We had a nice mellow holiday weekend here. Went to the beach on Sunday then saw Iron Man 2 today. I managed to get a couple miles on today, with Hubby along. He was getting pooped, so I didn't make him walk a 4 mile walk with me. Aren't I sweet??
Sunday, May 30, 2010
1.7 mi.
Friday, May 28, 2010
2.6 mi
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
2mi in the rain
Monday, May 24, 2010
I alson read on the RealAge web that if you have a child in a sport like baseball there is no reason you can't get in a walk while watching. What you do is walk back and forth near the base line watching your child play as you do your healthy walking. Keep on walking your healthy walk every step is a step closer to your goal.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
For the times we just don't think we can do it.....
Friday, May 21, 2010
walking with monarchlinda
Moving on up! lol
My walks..
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Hike and The Numbers
Yesterday was a nice, and I thought TOUGH, hike at Uvas Canyon park. It was a tough two miles but well worth it.
Today was a 4.3 mile hike at Canada del Oro open space preserve. We hiked up the Serpentine Loop Trail then across the Bald Peaks Trail to the East and ending where we started at the Serpentine Loop trail.
It was a TOUGH hike! Going up the mountain, was almost 600ft in elevation and took us an hour to do .8 miles! I sweat, and cussed, and huffed and puffed, but kept going! Mom was with me, of course, cheering me on all the way. The view from the top was amazing. We could see parts of Morgan Hill, all the way down to the mountains outside of Hollister. The mountains were green, the sky was mostly cloudy (thankfully!! no sunburn!!) and a nice cool breeze kept things from getting unbearable.
I honestly didn't think just a few months ago that I'd ever be able to do a hike like this. Hell, just a few months ago I wouldn't have been able to do this. I'm feeling proud of the changes I'm making in my body!
So, earlier Lynn was brave and posted her weight. So, now it's my turn. This morning I weighed myself and I'm 237lbs. I've now lost 41lbs! Hell, I lost 4 pounds just from YESTERDAY'S hike! We'll see what happens when I weigh myself tomorrow morning, just for curiosity's sake. I usually only weigh myself once a week.
So, how are ya'll doing?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
1.4 miles
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
2 miles! that must be the magic # .
Falling off the horse....and getting back on.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Lets get personal. : )
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A tool to help
If you guys go to you can set up an account and enter in your activities manually. You can enter them in on a map, too. It's a bit tricky at first, but you'll get the hang of it! Look me up, I'm goddessjoy there, and join my street team so we can all keep track of each other!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day
Then back to my regular three miles today.
Now, I have a question for you all. What kind of shoes are you wearing for your walks/runs?
3days off.%^( 2.0 miles on %^)
Battle with a baby gate......
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I did try to walk this evening. My heel spur is flaring as well (wonder if there's a connection?) and it took me 20 minutes to walk 2/10th of a mile!!! So, no walk.
But tomorrow is a new day and I'll not be repeating today's misdeeds!
Happy Mother's Day y'all!!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wiener dog is out!!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Racing with Joy
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
walking with the Fireflies
Monday, May 3, 2010
Weekend wrap up
variety of starts we've all had. Variety is the spice of life, isn't it?
Our weekend was spent doing lots of spring cleaning. Since we rent
from a fairly large property management company we get yearly
inspections. Mainly it's to make sure the smoke detectors, sprinklers,
and fixtures are all stllbin tact. Regardless, we had a lit of winter
dust to get rid of!!
With that being said, I started Saturday off with a 3 mile walk before
1pm at that!! I've decided I'm ready to make 3 miles my daily goal (on
the weekdays). Those three miles went be fast! I had mom and Andy
walking with me, too!
Sunday was more cleaning. Hubby and I managed to get in a quick two
mile walk at dusk, which made for a nice capper to the weekend.
One thing I noticed this weekend? With the weight loss I'm getting the
saggy skin. Under my arms and on my inner thighs mostly. The last time
I started losing weight, I got to this point and it paralyzed me. Even
at my heaviest, everything was solid. These wrinkles and soft spots
freak me the hell out!!! I'm doing my best to not let it stop my
weight loss this time. So, I think it might be time for me to hit our
fitness room and start doing some arm work. Maybe the thighs will get
to a better place as I keep working my legs?
Any of you have thigh pointers?
Oh, and this is my first attempt at posting from my iPhone. I hope it
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, May 2, 2010
muggy ewww!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Day 4, 0.6 miles
walkin when im sick.
Friday, April 30, 2010
My beginning
Living Room Walk
Till later,
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Faerie.... running?
So last week I started jogging. First a quarter mile, but now I'm up to half a mile. I signed up for my first 5K in September to benefit the Kelsey Briggs Run Against Child Abuse. I might, if I can get up to the distance, sign up for the Red Earth 5K in June... however, I don't want to push my luck, and 5K is 3 miles and I'm still only at half a mile.
Oh, and I jog in a skirt. :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
So here it begins...
In my posts I'd like to include things I've seen on my walk, or people I've met. I walk a fairly regular route, so after a while I've started seeing some of the same people over and over again. Especially folks with their dogs. There are pit bulls, a skipperkee, some poodles, lots of labs and retrievers, several chihuahuas, and many many mutts!
So, that's my beginning. What's yours?