Sunday, January 22, 2012

Still Going!

it's 2012 and I'm still chugging along. I'm averaging about 9 miles a week at the moment, I'd like to get that up to 12+ once the weather lightens up.

I'm getting used to walking on my own more and more. Enjoying it as my quiet time. Almost like a time to meditate, ground myself, enjoy the fresh air and check in with nature. Even though it's mostly in my little neighborhood, I see lots of birds out and about...which I love!

Now that the rains are starting, the ducks will be moving back in to the seasonal stream and marsh area on my walking trail. It's such a treat to see them there, and watch them getting ready for their upcoming broods. Last year we had about two dozen baby mallards over there and a handful of Great Egrets with their young also. I also get a glimpse of Green Herons and a Great Blue Heron (My Bird!) once in a great while.

So I'm progressing. Slow and steady.

My next goal is to get my eating back in line with what's best for me. I'm not eating nearly enough protein or veggies at the moment. Hell. I'm not eating nearly ENOUGH of anything. I always forget how much I have to ACTUALLY eat to lose weight. It's hard to keep on top of it when my habit is to just not eat.

Pretty funny when a fat chick has to remind herself to eat, isn't it? :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I've been doing one mile walks for about a month now, today I bumped it up to 2.5 miles. I'll try to do that for a couple of months and see how that goes.

I'm terribly bored with my "exercise". I love walking, but it gets very boring doing it by myself. But I don't want to go to a gym and deal with working out around strangers. I'm used to being the fat chick. Being the fat chick in a gym petrifies me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Moon Walk

Had a nice 1.6 mile walk around sunset today and watched the moon rise.

I was going to try to have a salad with some sliced beef on it for dinner. But. I made the beef and decided to just have that, and some grapes a bit later on. I didn't feel like having salad farts all night. :) 

I need to sit down and make a list of things I like to eat and CAN eat. I've lost sight of that and am having trouble eating when and what I need to.

What do you guys do for your meals and such??
30 min.. on gazelle....=)

Monday, October 10, 2011


but surely getting back in to the swing of things. I have to allow myself time to just get back in to the routine of it before i try to 'up' my game. Our new neighbor is a personal trainer at a local fitness place that specializes in training that involves every day stuff instead of having to be a slave to a gym. She also specializes in dealing with people who have mobility issues, MS, RA, and other limiting disorders. So...I'm gonna give it a try! Wish me luck!

Friday, October 7, 2011

15 mins on my Gazelle... 15 min are better than no mins... = ]